Tag Archives: sleepover

My Weekend!

First of all I went to the beach in  lytham st. Annes near Blackpool.

We went on the beach and played frisbee and I buried the frisbee two times, covered it up in the sand and dug down to find it.

Afterwards we had fish and chips for tea.

Then we went to my Grandma’s house for a sleepover. In the morning we had weetabix (fruit and nut) minis for breakfast and played my new MINION Top Trumps. Then for dinner we had one bacon sandwich and one sausage sandwich, but at 2:50 we had to go to my other Grandad’s house.

My parents were going to be back for half seven, but there had been a aciddent on the train track, so the trains stopped working and then we had to have a sleepover at my Grandad’s house.  The next day me and my sister played mario karts on the wii until we had to go home.

When we got home I had a pressent from Brandon, Uncle Bob and Auntie Laruen. It was a  bright, yellow remote control porsche car.
