When I woke up in the morning I felt a tinge of excitement! It was Christmas Day and I had a stocking full of presents, with an extra one next to it. I opened the big one first and it was a Star Wars bin, my other presents were: a Star Wars light-up light saber, pirate badges, rubbers, a game where you have to put facial hair on a man using a magnetic stylus and loads of other cool stuff.
For breakfast we had a special christmas porridge, it was delicious!
Then, I got my presents off mummy and daddy, my favourite things were: a potato clock, books, a 3 in 1 set of Lego, a card game called Boggle Slam, where you have to change a word one letter at a time until you run out of cards.

my new pyjamas


one of my books
After that, we had our traditional Christmas dinner (smoked salmon and watercress salad, which had orange in)
Afterwards, we went to grandma’s house for tea. My Auntie Lisa, Uncle Ryan and cousin Scarlett were already there. I got some more really good stuff like a Star Wars movie projector and star wars battle ships. I’m really bad at it.
Finally, we had Christmas tea, which was roast turkey, pigs in blankets, roast potatoes, carrots, sprouts, parsnips and stuffing. I really liked it!😋

christmas tea-table

roast turkey
For dessert we had christmas pudding and christmas cake. It was delectable.

christmas pudding
This christmas was absolutely brilliant!
Many thanks for everything you got me. I love everything.