Where is the ISS?

This is a program I made using Python on Trinket. It shows you where the ISS is at that current second and when it will next pass over The Shard in London.

I made this program using a Code Club tutorial which can be found here and some help from Open-Notify and a Latitude and Longitude finder. This program works by finding live data of longitude and latitude from Open-Notify which is where the ISS is. Then Python uses Turtle (a drawing program) to show where the ISS is in the world on a map. Then I found the latitude and longitude of The Shard and used Open-Notify again to find out when the ISS would pass over those longitudes and latitudes. Then Python’s turtle puts a dot over The Shard and writes the pass over date and time on the screen.

Click the play arrow to start the program, next to the pencil.

I hope you like this program and find it interesting.

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