On Thursday I decorated some eggs by colouring them in to make them Easter Eggs.

The Easter Eggs I made
Good Friday
Parkers Arms
On Good Friday we went out to the Parkers Arms for dinner it was delicious! 🙂 ☺
When we got there we got some special treats, which were:
- Smoked cod roe with sourdough
- Potato skins
- Fish croquettes
- Lancashire cheese croquettes
After that we ordered drinks and I had apple juice, for my starter I had fish goujons with wild garlic sauce and salad.
Afterwards we had our main course, I had a fish potpie, which included cod, haddock, shrimp, scallop and wild garlic (which we went out looking for after dinner), with seaweed, peas and mash.

My Pot Pie
Then we had dessert which was chocolate egg custard pot with biscuit soldiers.

Chocolate egg custard pot with biscuit soldiers
Afterwards we were given a chocolate easter egg each and some salted caramel chocolate and orange filled chocolate.
When we finished we went for a walk near the river and collected lots of wild garlic and I tried to climb up some trees. It was very difficult!

Me climbing a tree
Easter Sunday
For breakfast on Sunday we had Hot Cross Buns.
After dinner we had Cadbury’s Egg’n’spoon and Smarties Mini Eggs.

Cadbury’s egg’n’spoon
After dinner we gave each other our gifts and I got :
- A milk chocolate Star Wars Easter Egg and a Star Wars Gift Tin
- A milk chocolate Star Wars Easter Egg and a Star Wars Bubbly Bar
- A Cadbury’s milk chocolate Easter Egg and a Creme Egg
- A Cadbury’s milk chocolate Decorate your own Easter Egg
- 3 Books, Awful Auntie, Tom Gates Is Absolutely Fantastic (at some things) and The Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book
- Bubble Wand
- A Minecraft Jumper
- A LEG0 T-Shirt

This a picture of all my Books& Eggs

These are my new clothes
Then we watched 2 episodes of Easter Simpsons and Ice Age The Great Egg Scapade.
For tea we had roast lamb with roast potatoes, carrots, asparagus, green beans and mint sauce. After tea we had a slice of homemade strawberry and Mini Egg cheesecake. Mmmm! 🙂

This is our homemade strawberry and mini egg cheesecake
Easter Monday
On Monday we had a hot cross bun with Nutella and had some of my Cadbury’s milk chocolate Easter egg and a Creme Egg.
After breakfast I got a card from my Grandad with a £10 note inside.
After dinner we went to Grandma’s house for tea and she had hidden eight chocolate Easter Bunny’s for me and Georgia to find I found 5 and Georgia found 3 plus the special ones which were Maltesers Teasers Easter Bunny’s.
Then Grandma gave us our presents and I got a Chameleon T-Shirt and 10 Marzipan bunnies.
After that we had tea which was Shepherd’s Pie and veg and for dessert we had a creme brûlée.